Our Students Win the the 8th “Silk Road League Cup” English Debating Competition

Release Time:2021-01-01 Author:Qin Chuan Editor:Xu Zhiyuan

On December 5ththe curtain was drawn on the 8th “Silk Road League Cup” English Debating Competition ended, which was sponsored by Silk Road League, School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Youth League Committee and School of Foreign Languages of Lanzhou Jiaotong University, and hosted by Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base of English Speculation Culture as well as the English Debate Association of Lanzhou Jiaotong University. Our students Zhang Keli and Lian Xiaohui won the third prizes in the competition.

It is known that the “Silk Road League Cup” English Debating Competition has been held for eight consecutive years, and has now developed into one of the best English debate competitions in Northwest China.

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